The global target of the SUSNANOFAB project is to put in place an integrated concerted action for long-term sustainable nanofabrication. The project establishes and promotes a robust network of European and international stakeholders and geographically distributed centres. These activities aim to provide current missing links between policy, infrastructure, expertise, and industry requirements, and contribute towards the improvement of the current EU positioning and performance in the global nanofabrication market.

SUSNANOFAB tackled the needs of the nanofabrication sector by addressing them on three different levels:

  • At a general level, SUSNANOFAB established and promoted a robust network of EU and international stakeholders, connecting geographically distributed centres.
  • At a strategic level, SUSNANOFAB found a common strategy to enable all pre-competitive conditions for the successful market uptake of nanofabricated products and solutions. This is reached using a structured road-mapping methodology and involving external experts in Coordination Groups.
  • At an operational and end-user level, the project provided an easy access point to affordable services, infrastructures, and knowledge to EU stakeholders, especially SMEs. This is reached using different integrated methodologies, such as the organisation of a set of training and brokerage workshops and services, and via the development of a Digital Platform, which performs in an interoperable manner with ongoing initiatives (e.g., the European Network for Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs, the European Material Modelling Council etc.).

These working groups were established to gather experts from both Europe and USA to discuss their perspectives on the future developments of nanofabrication and define how to satisfy the current and future needs of this sector with a comprehensive approach.

The road-mapping activity aims the development of a strategic plan for the field of nanofabrication and its path for industrial implementation. This plan is able to bring forward the field of nanofabrication by identifying the key drivers to exploit and key challenges to be addressed to enable the successful development of a nanofabrication environment able to deliver high-quality products. The main sectors, which are the focus of this roadmap, where nanofabrication can be relevant are: Health, Digital and industry, Climate change and energy, Mobility, Food and Natural Resources, and Inclusive and secure societies.

Download the SUSNANOFAB Roadmap