5-7 July, 2022

Wrap-up Video
SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet join forces to host a networking event on Sustainable Nanofabrication between July 5 and 7 at INL, Braga, Portugal.
The 3-day programme includes:
- A panel dedicated to industry, innovation and research, composed of renowned speakers addressing hot topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing;
- Brokerage Sessions to explore potential business and technological collaboration opportunities in the nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing ecosystem;
- A co-creation session to assess the impact of the proposed actions and stimulate implementation ideas within the “SUSNANOFAB Roadmap for an EU wide strategy on nanofabrication”;
- Training Sessions in Safe and Sustainable by Design and Standardization.
- Launch of the NanoFabNet Hub
- And Poster Sessions throughout the whole programme
Be part of this joint initiative to strengthen networks while exploring technologies to uptake sustainable nanofabrication solutions!
Renowned actors in the nanofabrication ecosystem worldwide will join the debate to discuss the most relevant topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing.
The agenda includes a panel of speakers from the industry, innovation and research arena, in sessions dedicated to all the stakeholders in the sustainable nanofabrication value chain.
SMEs, Startups and companies will be able to participate in the brokerage sessions, to match their technological needs with the most advanced technologies and the world-class facilities currently available.
Training sessions on sustainable safety-by-design and standardisation, roundtable discussions on funding opportunities, innovation and technology transfer, poster sessions, networking opportunities and more.
Join us from July 5 to 7 in Braga, Portugal.
Registration open soon

July 5th

11h45 - 12h00
Welcome note
Margherita Cioffi, RINA – SUSNANOFAB Project
- European Programmes Manager, Industry Innovation Strategy Group
- RINA Consulting SpA
- Coordinator of SUSNANOFAB Project. Expert in strategic road mapping in nanotechnology and advanced materials area in private and public projects. Senior Proposal Manager for European-funded calls.

12h00 - 12h15
Digitalisation for trust building: Why data management supports sustainability
Thomas Exner, Seven Past Nine
- Founding partner and CSO of the Slovenian based SME Seven Past Nine (7P9)
- Studied chemistry and did his PhD at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) followed by a postdoc at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Joined Edelweiss Connect in 2015 and was appointed Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) in 2016
- He and two partners founded 7P9 with focus on research in the areas of data and knowledge management, integrating testing strategies combining alternative in vitro and in silico methods for predictive toxicology and risk assessment as well as approaches to foster collaborative research and community activities.

12h15 - 12h30
Metrology and standardisation to support sustainable nanofabrication: Identified needs and action plan
Georges Favre, LNE (France)
- Head of LNE-Nanotech Institute
- Involved in several French and European projects dealing with nanomaterials and innovative high performances materials testing/characterization
- Vice-Chair European Metrology Network Advanced Manufacturing (Responsible for the Advanced Materials pillar)
- NanoFabNet WP Leader on Validation, Harmonisation and Standardisation issues to support sustainable nanofabrication
- Co-Chair of the French Standardisation Committee on Nanotechnologies (AFNOR/X457)
- Head of French Delegation at CEN/TC 352 Nanotechnologies & ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies
- Convenor of the CEN/TC 352/WG4 “Nanoobjects in food”
- Member of the OECD WPMN French Delegation
- French Representative within VAMAS Steering Committee (Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards à pre-normative research on Advanced Materials at international scale)

12h30 - 12h45
Science communication and Research infrastructures in Nanotechnology – Current activities from the DaNa Project and the KNMFi
Clarissa Marquardt
- Clarissa Marquardt is a senior researcher and project manager at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics of the KIT, Germany.
- She studied biotechnology and received her PhD from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
- Her research interests include material safety and sustainability, knowledge transfer and science communication.
- She has been involved in several German and European projects in the field of nanotoxicology, nanofabrication and innovation management in the area of micro- and nanotechnologies.

12h45 - 13h00
Anticipating safety issues at the design stage of nano product development
Anna Costa, ISTEC – ASINA Project
- I am working at ISTEC, from 2008 with permanent position, leading the Nanotechnology and Nanosafety Group
- I acquired skills in different fields: sol-gel synthesis, colloidal properties; design and functional characterization of nanostructured systems (nano/micro catalysts, photoactive and antibacterial coatings, multi-functional textile)
- I am recently investigating benefits and potential risks that nano-phases can provide to human health
- I have coordinated european project SANOWORK, and had or still have a key role in European projects SUN, PROTECT, PATROLS, BIORIMA, NANOINFORMATIX, SUNSHINE, SABYNA, and since 1 March 2020 I am the coordinator of H2020 research project ASINA focusing on the development of Safe-and Sustainable-by Design practices of nano-manufacturing
- I have coordinated european project SANOWORK, and had or still have a key role in European projects SUN, PROTECT, PATROLS, BIORIMA, NANOINFORMATIX, SUNSHINE, SABYNA, and since 1 March 2020 I am the coordinator of H2020 research project ASINA focusing on the development of Safe-and Sustainable-by Design practices of nano-manufacturing
14h00 - 16h00
Roadmap Co-Creation Session

16h30 - 17h30
Training Session in Sustainable-Safe-By-Design
Catherine Colin, IPC
- Master degree / engineer diploma from Université de Technologie de Compiègne in Mechanical Systems
- Joined the Technical and Industrial Center for Plastics and Composites in 2022
- Member of Energie Partagee Supervisory Board to contribute to the development of renewable energies
About the session:
- Concepts
- Problematic explained via the Planet Boundaries
- Safe
- Sustainable
- Safe, Sustainable by Design
- SSbD in practice
- Regulations in Europe
- SSbD scoring system
- Get data and proceed for SSbD rating
- Safe, Sustainable by Design for nanomaterials
- Introduction of SSbD for nanomaterials
- Predictive tools and modelization of Safety
- Possible Design process
- Trusted Environment
17h30 - 18h30
Tour INL Facilities
July 6th

09h00 - 09h15
Welcome note
Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST – NanoFabNet Project
- Founder and Director of AcumenIST
- Worked for the OECD, where she developed its definition, indicators and impact assessment of biotechnology and nanotechnology, and led two international workshops on genome editing

09h15 - 09h55
Keynote Speaker
Mr Jürgen Tiedje, Head of the “Industrial Transformation” Unit, Directorate Prosperity in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission
- Working with the European Commission since 1992; German nationality; lawyer as educational background, wide experience in different Commission departments of European policy making, including industry and qualifications.
- Between January 2017 and March 2021, he has been in charge of a unit focusing on advanced manufacturing, energy intensive industries, energy efficient buildings and biotechnologies in DG Research and Innovation.
- He has been appointed as of 1st April 2021 Head of Unit for Industrial Transformation in the Prosperity Directorate.

09h55 - 10h10
Cris Rocca
- He is an Experienced Research and Innovation Project Manager based in the UK, at the University of Birmingham (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences).
- His background is in business management. Cris has extensive experience in the administration and management of EU H2020, international and UK government funded projects.
- He has been serving as the Secretary of the NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) for the last 2.5 years, whilst also participating in other international and collaboration building initiatives.
- His research interests focus on SSbD analysis approach.
10h10 - 10h25
Safe and sustainable fabrication in the chemical industry
Karin Wiench, BASF
- Karin Wiench is a trained biologist, she worked at the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany in the Institute of Toxicology and Chemotherapy and received her doctor’s degree with the thesis “Metabolism of N-nitrosamines in the rat and in primary rat hepatocytes, with special regard to glucuronidation”.
- In 1993 she joined BASF SE Ludwigshafen, Germany, working in the department Product safety, Regulations, Toxicology and Ecology, she is Director in Product Stewardship working as Executive Senior Specialists Regulatory Programs.
10h25 - 10h30
Getting ready for the afternoon session
11h00 - 13h00
Brokerage Sessions

14h00 - 15h00
Training Session on Standardization
Sean Kelly, NIA
- Sean has led NIA’s project activities since he joined in 2015.
- Prior to joining NIA, Sean worked for 10 years at the University of Leeds where he managed collaborative research between the university and industry.
- He has worked across diverse collaboration types within nano applications, including European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), a joint venture with the King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, and at senior project management levels in collaborative Framework Programme projects from FP6 onwards.
Emeric Frejafon, Deputy Director at BRGM & Chairman of CEN TC352
- Dr. Hab. Emeric FREJAFON (male), is graduated (PhD) in metrology for environmental risk assessment, having obtained an Accreditation (HDr) to supervise research on “Optical techniques applied to environmental risk assessment”.
- He has worked for 20 years at INERIS, the French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks, a “state own” private company as it is a public body placed under supervision by the Ministry for Ecology but having the capability to work for private bodies.
- After more than 10 years in long range remote sensing and plasma spectroscopy applied to the monitoring gaseous and particulate maters including manufactured nanomaterial in air media, he was the head of INERIS activities on nanomaterial and nanotechnology and had coordinated H2020 NanoReg2 and EC4SafeNano projects.
Since 2016 he is the chairman of the CEN TC 352 nanotechnologies and the convenior of the CEN TC 352 Working Group 1 on metrology and performance evaluation. - Since 2019, he working at BRGM, the French Geological Survey, as deputy director of a division involving 200 salaries and devoted to water resource management, soil and undersoil pollution remediation, waste management and mineral recovery, energy storage and is leading analytical labs.
About the session:
Standards and test guidelines are important tools for industry to use to help them develop new products that can reach the market in an efficient and regulatory compliant way. Standards are useful to end users in ensuring that the concerned products have been manufactured or tested using established methods that are understood and accepted to other industry experts. OECD Test Guidelines are also useful to industry to ensure that they are complying with regulations, such as REACH. This training session will cover using and developing standards from a CEN perspective and how OECD Test Guidelines are developed and used and how the NanoHarmony project is working to help the whole nano community by adapting nano-specific test guidelines.

15h00 - 15h15
EuroNanoLab: a distributed academic nanofabrication infrastructure for a sustainable management of nanofabrication knowledge
Michel de Labachelerie, Research Director at CNRS, EuroNanoLab coordinator, INSIS – CNRS
Michel de Labachelerie is Research Director at CNRS (France), where he has been working since 1982. His background is physics and optical engineering. His research experience is on:
- Ultra-high frequency stability laser diodes for optical telecommunications and metrology (including PhD)
- Optical MEMS devices (after a 3-year stay in Tokyo)
His main experiences on the management of research are:
- creation in 2004 and direction during 8 years of FEMTO-ST – a large research institute in Besançon, France
- since 2004 coordination of « Renatech », the network of French academic nanofabrication facilities
- scientific leader of a national excellence research program on « Smart Systems » from 2012 to 2016
- since 2017, coordination of the « EuroNanoLab » consortium, comprising 44 nanolabs in 14 European countries
- since 2019, monitoring of all CNRS research infrastructures for Engineering Sciences at CNRS headquarters in Paris
About the session:
EuroNanoLab gathers a large number of European « nanolabs » running a cleanrooms that are open to external users for R&D activities. These cleanrooms can provide their users either with a nanofabrication service or participate in joint R&D projects. However – especially for research projects – user’s nanofabrication requests to a given cleanroom often require some process steps that are not available in this cleanrooms, but which could be available elsewhere. This is hindering the efficiency of European nanofabrication at early TRL stages. In addition, it is clear that users – even for low-TRL projects – are requesting increasingly complex nanodevices for today’s research challenges. The ambition of EuroNanoLab is to build for its users a single-point access, that would be able to optimize the service proposal by involving – if necessary – several cleanrooms to perform nanofabrication projects. This would decrease the nanofabrication time and open the way to the fabrication of more complex devices than today. We are convinced that an organized network like EuroNanoLab is able to provide users with a service that will be faster with a higher quality and reproducibility than today, and to manage collectively a European nanofabrication knowledge in a much more sustainable way. However, this will involve a lot of harmonization and standardization that will be addressed in the presentation.

15h15 - 16h00
Funding Opportunities Panel
João Ribau, National Representative & Contact Point, Horizon Europe – Industry & EIC
- João P. Ribau is a National Representative & Contact Point for Horizon Europe at ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação, focusing on Industry, Digital, and European Innovation Council (EIC) themes
- João P. Ribau has a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from IST, with work in life cycle analysis and optimization techniques applied to energy vectors and alternative powertrains for vehicles
- With previous experience as Head of an R&D unit at ISQ, and as a researcher, some previous activities include R&D team coordination, Project managing, in several National and International programmes, and research in industry4.0, digital solutions, modelling, decision and optimization, machine learning, IoT solutions, circular-economy, water-energy nexus, life cycle analysis, and alternative energies and energy-efficiency
Marina Dias, Coordinator of EU funding, INL
- Coordinator for European Funding at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Braga, Portugal
- Holds an MSc in Science Economics and Innovation Management from the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG) and has a background on life sciences
- For the last 20 years she has followed national and European policies to support research and innovation as well as European research and innovation funding programs (Horizon Europe, H2020 and FP7)
16h30 - 18h30
Launch of the NanoFabNet Hub
July 7th

09h00 - 09h15
Welcome note
Lars Montelius, Director-General of INL
- Director–General of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory since the 1st September 2014
- Professor in Nanotechnology at Lund University, Sweden, Lars Montelius is the founder of several Swedish companies working with nanotechnology
- President of the IUVSTA: The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications

09h15 - 09h55
Keynote Speaker
Nicklas Bergman, Intergalactic Industries AB
- Nicklas Bergman is a Swedish entrepreneur and deep-tech investor.
- For more than 30 years he’s built companies in a variety of industries, regions, and economic climates.
- He’s seen his companies go out of business, awake from the dead, conquering the world, be sold to major industry players, or listed on the stock exchange.
- Since mid-2020, Nicklas is also an advisor to the EIC Fund, an EUR 10 billion deep tech VC fund investing in more than 100 European startups per year.

09h55 - 10h30
PITCCH Project - Increasing the competitiveness of European industry by building a Pan-European Open Innovation Network and Success Case Story
Michela Mattaloni, INL
- Master’s Degree in Diplomatic and International Relations from the University of Trieste with a major in economics and cooperation development
- Business and Strategic Relations Officer at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- Is in charge of supporting researchers to acquire European public funding and participate in European collaborative consortia for the development of nanotechnology-based innovations. Deals with the management of EU-funded projects and currently coordinates the PITCCH project
Bert Habets, CEO of colorFabb
- An experienced Business Executive, and leader of large scale complex business transformations.
- Subject matter expert | nothing in particular but I know a lot of everything (business improvement, change management, sales & marketing, supply chain, quality management, lean).
- Known for his passion, strong leadership, staying calm in stressful situations and keeping oversight, and ability to get the job “somehow“ done.
“Bert slices through the noise to find a workable, practical solutions from board room to shopfloor and reverse.”
- colorFabb was founded in 2013 by Ruud Rouleaux and is situated in the Netherlands.
We address key steps of the industry value chain incl. development, production, and distribution of 3D-printing filaments. - Since its foundation colorFabb’s development has been characterized by a steady growth and continuous introduction of innovative 3D filaments.
- We are known as a reliable 3D printing material specialist and recognized as one of the best filaments currently available on the market. We are a bio/sustainable pioneer.

11h00 - 12h10
Roundtable on Innovation for Startups and SMEs
Moderation: Chiara Venturini, NIA
- Chiara has been working with industry associations for over a decade, covering policy and regulatory affairs for different sectors.
- She was previously Director at the Global e-Sustainability Initiative and EU Affairs Manager at TechAmerica Europe, working on environmental and chemicals management topics.
- Her previous experience also include managing the secretariat of FuelCellEurope and consulting work on EU-funded projects.
- Prior to joining NIA in February 2021, Chiara was Governance Advisor at amfori, working on trade and supply chain management issues.
- She holds a Master’s degree in Political Science.
Bruno Figueiredo, Graphenest
- Bruno has a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Aveiro (Portugal). He was elected as a member of the 2017 Industry class at Forbes 30 under 30.
- His main interests are related to known and novel materials and their commercial applications. He has been a graphene evangelist, researching this nanomaterial daily since 2014.
- He has a strong aptitude to set the direction and focus of his teammates, ensuring that they have the tools and resources to do their jobs.
- He connects researchers, suppliers, producers, and buyers by implementing market-leading graphene-based technology and business.
- About Graphenest: Graphenest S.A. (www.graphenest.com) was founded in 2015 and its activity is centered on the development and implementation of next-generation graphene-based EMI shielding products. Graphenest is producing graphene through an in-house proprietary cost-efficient clean technology that allows the formulation of products with unparalleled levels of shielding performance at high and very high frequencies.
César Martins, Chemitek
- César Martins, graduated in Biotechnology and Master in Micro Nanotechnology. More than 11 years in entrepreneurship with several companies and patents in its portfolio.
- Currently founder and CEO of ChemiTek, where he has several products for solar maintenance and exports to more than 40 countries.
- ChemiTek is a Portuguese company dedicated to the development, production and trading of efficient, easy to apply, innovative and environmentally friendly chemical solutions for industrial maintenance of three main sectors: Solar Industry Cleaning & Protection, Surface Treatment & Protection and Automotive Cleaning.
Eldara Rodríguez Cobo, Nanogap
- Eldara has a PhD in Chemistry (University of Santiago de Compostela-USC), between the fields of nanotechnology and organic chemistry. In 2006 she participated on NANOGAP foundation, a novel nanomaterials supplier, where she was incorporated in 2011 to the R&D department.
- In 2015 she was promoted as Innovation Manager, being responsible of funded projects management, technology transfer and IP management. In 2017 she also got involved on the regulatory issues of the company, actively participating on different projects and organizations.
- NANOGAP has been disrupting the advanced materials market since 2006, when was founded as a spin-out from the University of Santiago de Compostela to leverage our unique invention of atomic quantum clusters (AQCs). Since then, NANOGAP has filed for more than 100 patents in 13 patent families, covering applications from desulfurization to antimicrobial materials and conductive nanowires. In 2019 NANOGAP created a spin-off company, Arjuna Therapeutics to leverage AQCs as a cancer therapy.
- Since 2017 NANOGAP have been focused on developing AQCs for sustainable chemistry, making hydrogen production a primary target. They have developed two AQC-based catalysts for hydrogen production using a) electrolysis and b) photochemistry, and we have already demonstrated both AQCs in the relevant environment by combining them with a) carbon and b) titania and demonstrating them in a) an electrolyser and b) a photoreactor
Andrea Elisabeth Reinhardt, NTC Nano Tech Coatings GmbH
- Andrea Elisabeth Reinhardt has more than 20 years of experience in applied micro- and nanotechnologies and national/European research projects.
- Fields of expertise: European R&D, Entrepreneurship, Business Development, International cooperation. Co-founder of NTC Nano Tech Coatings GmbH
- NTC Nano Tech Coatings GmbH operates globally and specialises in the development and production of highly effective surface coatings for industry and construction. They are experts in the use of sol-gel based nanotechnology in modern product development, whenever there is a need for the highest level of durability and resilience in multi-functional high-tech coatings. The FUSCO® technology that NTC has developed represents an optimised continuation of sol-gel based nanotechnology.
Antreas Afantitis, NovaMechanics
- He has a strong scientific background in the field of chem/bio/nanoinformatics, modelling, simulation, and medicinal & materials chemistry.
- His scientific work has been published in over 90 original research articles and reviews in international peer-reviewed journals. According to Google Scholar, his h-index is 30.
- He successfully coordinated applied drug discovery projects and based on the results 3 patents were filed. He has successfully led the efforts on the development and implementation of state-of-the-art information technology systems (database, web services, custom made scientific software development) in NovaMechanics Ltd for solving Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Nanoinformatics, Modelling, Simulation and Big Data analysis problems.
- As a Director at NovaMechanics Ltd, he has led several efforts for the development of computational infrastructures of scientific and technological excellence at a national and European level that have contributed decisively to the support of new scientists.
- Currently he is the Coordinator of the materials informatics projects NanoSolveIT (H2020 project, budget €6M, 24 partners) and CompSafeNano (Marie Curie RISE, budget €1,7M, 22 partners)
- Novamechanics Ltd is an SME based in Cyprus and Greece with over 10 years experience in R&D projects focusing on the development of scientific solutions and software tools in the fields of chem/bio/nano informatics, simulation and medicinal & materials chemistry. The company applies state of the art mathematical techniques, for the creation, implementation and interpretation of validated predictive models for big data analysis, personalized medicine, clinical trials, computer aided drug discovery and materials science. The aim is to increase profitability, decrease risk, and reduce experimental cost in the process of designing and producing new materials or drugs by conceiving new modelling ideas and designing and performing simulations, testing and validation procedures.
- NovaM has developed several informatics tools and services spanning from Design of Experiments (DoE), Image Analysis (Deep Learning, AI), APIs, Dockers solutions, Omics analysis, Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Exposure and Biokinetics modelling, Databases (nanoPharos & chemPharos) to the development of cloud (Enalos Cloud Platform) and standalone (Enalos Suite / Isalos Analytics Platform) software solutions. NovaM’s staff has a strong managerial and scientific expertise in large scale scientific R&D projects (>12 m).
- The company participates as a major partner or coordinator in > 30 EU & National funded multidisciplinary research projects (13 Horizon project) in the areas of Data Analytics, Cheminformatics & Nanoinformatics, Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence, Personalized Medicine and Drug Discovery.

12h10 - 12h25
Invited Talk
Fernando de la Vega, PVNanoCell
- Dr. Fernando de la Vega co-founded PV Nano Cell Ltd. in 2009 and has served as our Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman of our board of directors since that time.
- Dr. de la Vega has more than 25 years industrial and entrepreneurial experience, having served in managerial positions with responsibility over research and development, quality and operations and has founded or co-founded several businesses in the fields of nano technology and functional materials.
- From 2001 to early 2009, Dr. de la Vega served as General Manager and a Director of Cima, a company focused on the development of innovative technologies in the field of flexible printed electronics.
- Dr. de la Vega also co-founded and, from 2003 through 2009, served as Chairman of the Nano Functional Materials Consortium, a five-year, $25 million research consortium which performed general research on nanotechnology, sponsored by Israel’s Office of the Authority as part of the MAGNET program, a special program intended to encourage cooperation between industry and academia.
- Dr. de la Vega holds a Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry from the Casali Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as a M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry and a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

12h25 - 12h40
REMAP Project: Reusable Mask Patterning
Sascha Sadewasser, INL
- Principal Investigator of the Laboratory for Nanostructured Solar Cells and the Coordinator of the Clean Energy Cluster at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
- The group of Sascha works on the development of advanced solar cell materials and devices implementing nano- and microstructures
- Sascha Sadewasser holds a Diploma (1995) in Physics from the RWTH Aachen, Germany and a PhD (1999) from the Washington University St. Louis, MO, USA
- After 2 post-docs in Berlin (Hahn-Institute) and Barcelona (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica), he became group leader and later deputy department head at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
- Sascha has published more than 110 peer-reviewed papers (incl. Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, and Advanced Energy Materials), with about 3200 citations (h-index 33, web of science)
12h40 - 12h55
Closing Remarks
Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST – NanoFabNet Project
Margherita Cioffi, RINA – SUSNANOFAB Project
Call for Abstracts
The SUSNANOFAB and the NanoFabNet projects invite you to submit your abstract for the Poster Sessions of the SUSTAINABLE NANOFABRICATION: Joint Networking Event, to be held on July 5th to 7th in Braga, Portugal.
Join us and participate in our Poster Sessions and take the opportunity to exhibit your research and innovation results of current projects dealing with the cross-cutting sustainable nanofabrication aspects (e.g. safety and environmental sustainability, standardization, skill development and modelling approaches) and/or the following sectorial topics:

Sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing applied to health, medical technologies, medical equipment and drugs, and other products and services to provide healthcare to citizens.

Climate Change & Energy
Sustainable nanobased solutions and processes to give response to the effects of climate change, as well as solutions and goods for sustainable energy production and energy consumption.

Food & Natural Resources
Sustainable nanobased solutions, products and services for nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, food industries and natural (renewable and non-renewable resources such as land, water, fish stocks, fossil fuels, minerals…).

Digital & Industry
Sustainable nanofabrication applied to the digitisation of industry, industrial capabilities and nanomanufacturing.

Inclusive and Secure Societies
Socio-economic transformation (reducing inequalities and poverty, integrating diversity and gender equity), resistance to natural disasters, protection and security, democracy, cybersecurity and cultural heritage.

Sustainable, accessible, safe, intelligent, connected and friendly-environmental solutions, products and services for the mobility of people and goods.
Call for abstracts closed.
How to submit your abstract:
- Go to the SUSNANOFAB platform and create your account;
- Wait for the email confirmation to login;
- Go to “Networking event” in the top menu and submit your abstract!
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