New Joint White Paper Published by SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet

April 10th, 2023|

SUSNANOFAB and NanoFabNet launched a joint White Paper outlining the recommended ‘EU 2030 Strategic Plan for sustainable Nanofabrication’. Per the EC requirements, the two sister projects established cross-collaborations and synergies to outline a shared and aligned vision for a more sustainable future in nanofabrication, setting the tone for future research and development efforts in this area. Together, they [...]

New Publication

February 3rd, 2023|

PUBLICATION: Status, implications and challenges of European safe and sustainable by design paradigms applicable to nanomaterials and advanced materials Current European (EU) policies, such as the Green Deal, envisage safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) practices for the management of chemicals, which cogently entail nanomaterials (NMs) and advanced materials (AdMa). These practices, applied at the earliest stages of innovation [...]


January 30th, 2023|

SUSNANOFAB Roadmap The global target of the SUSNANOFAB project is to put in place an integrated concerted action for long-term sustainable nanofabrication. The project establishes and promotes a robust network of European and international stakeholders and geographically distributed centres. These activities aim to provide current missing links between policy, infrastructure, expertise, and industry requirements, and contribute towards the improvement [...]

SUSNANOFAB Webinar: Roadmap and Digital Platform

January 23rd, 2023|

6 February, 2023 SUSNANOFAB Webinar: Roadmap and Digital Platform Join us in the new session of the SUSNANOFAB Webinar! This time we´ll present you with the Roadmap for an EU Strategy on Nanofabrication and the SUSNANOFAB Digital Platform. In this session, we´ll introduce you to the vision of the roadmap for the nanofabrication sector, [...]


December 2nd, 2022|

23-24 February, 2023 SUSNANOFAB FINAL NETWORKING EVENT Focused on Sustainable Nanofabrication, the 2-day event was hosted in TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, from the 23rd to 24th of February 2023. Renowned actors in the nanofabrication ecosystem worldwide joined the debate to discuss the most relevant topics on sustainable nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing. The agenda included [...]

Official Launch of the SUSNANOFAB Digital Platform

December 1st, 2022|

13 December, 2022 Official Launch of the SUSNANOFAB Digital Platform SUSNANOFAB is glad to announce the Official Launch of the SUSNANOFAB Digital Platform! The launch was held through a webinar, on December 13th, at 15:00 CET. Aiming to provide a unique tool that combines the most relevant information in the nanofabrication ecosystem, the [...]

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