Part 2: Metals nanostructuration by Severe Plastic Deformation Techniques, by RINA

25. 11. 2021 | Duration: 2h
This session introduces the approach, developments and recent achievements in metal nano-structuration by Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) techniques that describes a group of metalworking techniques applied to impose very large strains resulting in bulk grain refinement.
First, metal properties requirements, grain size and grain refinement concepts are introduced, then properties of bulk nanostructured metals are presented. Most of SPD methods are shown and classified.
At the end, the practical applications of ultrafine/nanostructured materials and industrial commercialization of SPD methods are summarized.
Training plan
1. Introduction to nanostructures
2. Metal properties requirements
3. Metals fabrication methods and Severe plastic deformations
4. Properties of bulk nanostructured metals
5. Applications
6. Conclusions
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