NETWORKING EVENT April 15, 2021 | 10:30 – 17:00 CET
SUSNANOFAB | Networking Event & Coordination Groups Meeting

SUSNANOFAB promotes the first networking event – an online arena where industrial and research needs will meet.
Experts along the nanofab value-chain will take the opportunity to strengthen networks while seeking and promoting technologies for the uptake of sustainable nanofabrication solutions in different sectors.
Join the debate, and stay for the following meeting of Coordination Groups, where we will discuss a strategic roadmap on future research and coordination activities on nanofabrication.
Want to promote your company, service or product? Book your booth in this event here!
10h30 | Welcome note & SUSNANOFAB - Project introduction
- European Programmes Manager, Industry Innovation Strategy Group
- RINA Consulting SpA
- Coordinator of SUSNANOFAB Project. Expert in strategic road mapping in nanotechnology and advanced materials area in private and public projects. Senior Proposal Manager for European-funded calls.
10h55 | Silicon manufacturing technology for the next growth wave of the Solar Industry in Europe, a perspective of industrial collaboration.
- Technology scale-up entrepreneur. Bridging business and technology, with long-year executive mileage in high tech industries like Aerospace, Power solutions, Solar, Batteries.
- RGS Development. Silicon technology specialist company; operating a wafer casting pilot factory in NL, spin-out from ECN in 2005
11h15| Nanofabrication Pilot Facilities enabling manufacturing up-scaling of sustainable products
- European Programmes Manager, Industry & Transport Division at TECNALIA
- Expert in strategic innovation investments for value generation in manufacturing, nanotechnology and advanced materials area in public projects. Senior Proposal Manager for European-funded calls (EFEVE, EDEFU, ect.).
11h35| Enabling the future: Nanofabrication with the Fraunhofer Network Nanotechnology
- Spokesman Fraunhofer Network Nanotechnology.
- Expert for interdisciplinary research in nanotechnology and advanced materials in private and public projects. Professor at the University of Stuttgart.
11h55 | Coffee break
12h10 | Brokerage Event
Promoting your nanofabrication technology, product or service.
13h15 | Lunch break
15h00 | SUSNANOFAB - Roadmapping Approach, Progress & Expert's role
- Director of Business Operations, IDONIAL Technology centre, Asturias, Spain.
- Manager of International Projects; Identification of new market niches; Exploitation and valorisation strategies of R&D results; Definition of marketing and communication strategies.
15h15 | Best Practices and protocols for a sustainable nanofabrication
- Between 2000 and 2002 she worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Dept. of Chemistry of University College Dublin.
- Since 2006 she has been a staff researcher in the Nanotechnology group of the Tyndall National Institute where she now leads the “Integrated Nanomaterials” team. Her research interest focus on the synthesis of nanomaterials and the fabrication of electrode materials for sensing applications. Daniela is a Funded Investigator in the SFI national centres of excellence CONNECT and VistaMilk.
- Within SUSNANOFAB Daniela is building a mapping of best practices and protocols for sustainable fabrication.
15h45 | Coordination Group (CG) Parallel Sessions
Description of the roadmapping survey results on:
CG1 – Nanofabrication Aspects from Design to Manufacturing Upscaling
CG2 – Environmental Sustainability, Health and Ethics
CG3 – Future Skills and Expertise
16h15 | Table sessions focused on identified Nanofabrication Challenges
16h40 | Return to the CG groups and discussion on the outcomes
Facilitators: CG Chairs and Co-Chairs
16h45 | Q&A and Closing
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